New way to manage members

Recently we came across a very helpful member registration plugin. It gives the ability to create different member registration forms and goes beyond the simple name and contact info. It’s so smart it even allows you to create detailed forms for members to fill out and then the same plugin allows you to create a directory page showcasing all the members and the exact content you want to show. For example, we had a client who wanted to show products that each member sold but wanted to hide the number of years they were a member. This plugin has solved a lot of member registration issues and organized the process in one simple plugin.

[ut_btn button_size=”bklyn-btn-normal” button_align=”bklyn-btn-left” font_weight=”” button_text=”You can download a trial version or purchase the pro version HERE ” button_link=”||target:%20_blank|” button_text_color=”#ffffff” button_background=”#025dfc” button_text_color_hover=”#ffffff” button_background_hover=”#fd7e00″]
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